Vibrant pink flowers bloom from a plant positioned near a sunny window, with a concrete planter providing a rustic contrast to the delicate petals. A crystal-like object catches the light, adding a sparkle to the scene which suggests a cozy indoor environment.
A gift from a late friend a couple of years ago (photo by author)

My Schlumbergeras are Blooming Again

In the middle of April!

Jean Crawford Evans
Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2024


The silly plants like to bloom when they please. I’m not sure which variety they are, whether Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Easter Cactuses, but they like to bloom all year.

I keep them on the shelf in my kitchen’s east-facing window. They seem to love it even though they get full sun in the morning.



Jean Crawford Evans

Photographer, artist, cook, fat activist, writer, and lady of leisure with a garden