Jean Crawford Evans
Jean Crawford Evans
Jean Crawford Evans

Jean Crawford Evans


44 stories

A glass baking dish is shown filled with a creamy white mixture, which appears to be either frosting or a dessert base not yet finished. The surface is uneven and suggests that the mixture has been spread manually with some kind of spatula.
A pair of non-stick Pullman loaf pans with lids are displayed in front of their box, which claims the bakeware is ideal for baking bread. The pans appear to be new and are placed on a kitchen counter, next to a jar and a bottle.
A toasted sandwich with melted cheese and ham is cut diagonally and placed on a white plate. It’s grilled to a golden-brown color and appears crispy on the exterior, with the cheese oozing out from the middle.
Jean Crawford Evans

Jean Crawford Evans

Me, Myself & I

72 stories

A deer walks across an open, partially paved area with some overgrown vegetation nearby. In the background, a stop sign and a blue dumpster are visible near the edge of a suburban neighborhood.
Vibrant shades of purple and yellow dominate a music app interface showcasing a ’70s themed channel called “70s on 7 Just Music”. Below the main channel, similar radio options and recommendations like “60s/70s” and a specific track by Village People are displayed, indicating a curation of music from the 1960s and 1970s.
Two children are standing in front of a metal gate, with a building and trees visible in the background. One child is holding a soccer ball and they both appear to be in casual clothing, possibly ready for a game or outdoor activity.
Jean Crawford Evans

Jean Crawford Evans


13 stories

A black and white cat is perched on a wooden structure, observing a squirrel with a bushy tail sitting i a hanging squirrel feeder. Behind the cat, there is a white building with several windows and a lush green lawn.
Three cats are perched at various levels on a multi-tiered cat tree, with each one occupying a separate platform. The cat on the topmost level is looking down with a confident gaze, while the two below seem more relaxed, with the lowest one observing something off-camera.
A black cat with his head, shoulders and from legs laying on a laptop keyboard. There is an oval I voted sticker with an American flag on the bottom border of the laptop screen. On the screen is a page from the Medium webpage.
Jean Crawford Evans

Jean Crawford Evans


60 stories

A pair of feet is wearing translucent blue and pink Croc like shoes with multiple cut-outs. The shoes have straps with secure buttons on the sides, and the floor is carpeted.
A variety of young plants are growing in plastic containers, some lined with black bags, which are lined up orderly alongside a house with a green hose running in front. Metal wire structures are placed around or inside some pots to support the plants as they grow.
A close-up shot captures the intricate details of a spiky green plant, with small purple flowers peeking out from between its sharp leaves. The plant is set against a blurred background that suggests it might be situated in a garden or on a patio.
Jean Crawford Evans

Jean Crawford Evans


22 stories

A close-up shot captures the intricate details of a spiky green plant, with small purple flowers peeking out from between its sharp leaves. The plant is set against a blurred background that suggests it might be situated in a garden or on a patio.
A bumblebee is nestled deep inside a vibrant purple flower, busily collecting pollen. The sunlight highlights the delicate petal texture and the bee’s fuzzy body.
A close-up shows a winged insect attached to a dark surface with a water drop, with the background softly blurred. The insect appears translucent and fragile with its right wings looking deformed.
Jean Crawford Evans

Jean Crawford Evans

Odds & Sods

50 stories

Displayed on the screen is the homepage of the Internet Archive with a focus on the Wayback Machine search bar. Below the search bar, an explanatory text mentions that Internet Archive is a non-profit library of books, movies, software, music, websites, and more, along with icons representing these media types.
A black cat with striking yellow eyes is looking directly at the camera, wearing a purple collar with a bell and a tag. It’s lying comfortably on what appears to be a purple blanket with text, partially draped over a red fabric.
A woman and a young girl are standing together in front of a house with a stone facade. The girl is wearing a bright red dress with a white collar and the woman is dressed in a white blouse with a blue jumper.
Jean Crawford Evans

Jean Crawford Evans


13 stories

Assorted ears of corn still in their husks fill a cardboard fruit box sitting on a multicolored carpet with the sun shining on part of the box.
Slightly out of focus photo of a small yellow and brown bird with white stripes on its wings sitting on a sunflower leaf in a shady sunflower patch
A gray and brown squirrel sitting on a sunflower in a sunflower patch eating a sunflower seed and peeking past sunflower leaves and branches towards the camera.